l>THỦY NGÂN (Hg) • Thành phần80 • Tính hóa học đồ gia dụng lý/Tính Hóa chất • Sự miêu tả • Sử dụng / Chức năng • Đồng vị • nhiệt độ chất hóa học • phản nghịch ứng • Electron Configuration với Bonding

Bạn đang đọc: Tính chất hóa học của thủy ngân

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Xem thêm: Hai Đứa Trẻ Bị Trao Nhầm Con Và Cái Kết Có Hậu Ở Bình Phước, Trao Nhầm Con

Known to lớn ancient Chinese & Hindus; found in Egyptian tombs of 1500 B.C. Mercury is the only common metal liquid at ordinarytemperatures. It only rarely occurs không tính phí in nature. The chief ore is cinnabar (HgS). Spain và Italy produce about 50% of the world’s supply of themetal. The commercial unit for handling mercury is the “flask,” which weighs 76 lb (34.46 kg) và is priced at about $250. The metal is obtained byheating cinnabar in a current of air and by condensing the vapor. It is a heavy, silvery-white metal; a rather poor conductor of heat, as compared withother metals, & a fair conductor of electrithành phố. It easily forms alloys with many metals, such as gold, silver, and tin, which are called amalgams. Itsease in amalgamating with gold is made use of in the recovery of gold from its ores. The metal is widely used in laboratory work for makingthermometers, barometers, diffusion pumps, và many other instruments. It is used in making mercury-vapor lamps and advertising signs, etc. andis used in mercury switches và other electrical apparatus. Other uses are in making pesticides, mercury cells for caustic soda và chlorine production,dental preparations, antifouling paint, batteries, và catalysts. The most important salts are mercuric chloride HgCl2 (corrosive sublimate — a violentpoison), mercurous chloride Hg2Cl2 (calomel, occasionally still used in medicine), mercury fulminate (Hg(ONC)2), a detonator widely used inexplosives, & mercuric sulfide (HgS, vermillion, a high-grade paint pigment). Organic mercury compounds are important. It has been found thatan electrical discharge causes mercury vapor lớn combine with neon, argon, krypton, & xenon. These products, held together with van der Waals’forces, correspond to lớn HgNe, HgAr, HgKr, & HgXe. Mercury is a virulent poison và is readily absorbed through the respiratory tract, thegastrointestinal tract, or through unbroken skin. It acts as a cumulative sầu poison & dangerous levels are readily attained in air. Air saturated with mercuryvapor at 20°C contains a concentration that exceeds the toxic limit many times. The danger increases at higher temperatures. It is therefore importantthat mercury be handled with care. Containers of mercury should be securely covered & spillage should be avoided. If it is necessary to lớn heat mercuryor mercury compounds, it should be done in a well-ventilated hood. Methyl mercury is a dangerous pollutant and is now widely found in water andstreams. The triple point of mercury, –38.8344°C, is a fixed point on the International Temperature Scale (ITS-90). Native sầu mercury contains sevenisotopes. Thirty five other isotopes and isomers are known.1

• "The fact that mercury is a liquid at ordinary temperatures, with a low freezing point of -39°C and regularity of its expansion by heat makes it useful in thermometers. Its mật độ trùng lặp từ khóa, 13.6 makes it useful in barometers."2

Độ lạnh chảy:3*Điểm sôi:3*356.73 °C = 629.88 K = 674.114 °Fđiểm thăng hoa:3cha điểm:3-38.837 °C = 234.313 K = -37.9066 °FĐiểm cốt lõi:31477 °C = 1750.15 K = 2690.6 °F3Tỉ trọng:413.5336g/cm3* - at 1 atm

electron Cấu hình

Độ âm điện (thang Pauling):51.9Electropositivity (thang Pauling):2.1electron Affinity:6not stable eVQuá trình oxy hóa Hoa:+2,1Chức năng làm cho việc:74.50 eV = 7.209E-19 J

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