Shawn Mendes

“There’s Nothing Holdin' Me Back” is about Shawn Mendes' ambiguous & manipulative sầu relationship lớn a woman & his acceptance of the mental effects caused by her.On April… Read More 

Bạn đang đọc: Shawn mendes

How to Format Lyrics:Type out all lyrics, even if it’s a chorus that’s repeated throughout the songThe Section Header button breaks up song sections. Highlight the text then click the linkUse Bold & Italics only to lớn distinguish between different singers in the same verse.E.g. “Verse 1: Kanye West, Jay-Z, Both”Capitalize each lineTo move an annotation khổng lồ different lyrics in the song, use the <...> menu to switch to lớn referent editing mode

Xem thêm: 10 Bí Kíp Giúp “Tiền Đẻ Ra Tiền”, 7 Cách Giúp Tiền Đẻ Ra Tiền

I wanmãng cầu follow where she goesI think about her & she knows itI wanmãng cầu let her take control'Cause everytime that she gets cđại bại, yeahShe pulls me in enough lớn keep me guessing (Mmmm)And maybe I should stop & start confessing, confessing, yeahOh, I've sầu been shakingI love sầu it when you go crazyYou take all my inhibitionsBaby, there's nothing holdin' me backYou take me places that tear up my reputationManipulate my decisionsBaby, there's nothing holdin' me backThere's nothing holdin' me backThere's nothing holdin' me backShe says that she's never afraidJust picture everybody nakedShe really doesn't lượt thích lớn waitNot really inkhổng lồ hesitation
Pulls me in enough khổng lồ keep me guessingAnd maybe I should stop & start confessing, confessing, yeahOh, I've sầu been shakingI love it when you go crazyYou take all my inhibitionsBaby, there's nothing holdin' me backYou take me places that tear up my reputationManipulate my decisionsBaby, there's nothing holdin' me backThere's nothing holdin' me back'Cause if we lost our minds & we took it way too farI know we'd be alright, I know we would be alrightIf you were by my side and we stumbled in the darkI know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright'Cause if we lost our minds & we took it way too farI know we'd be alright, I know we would be alrightIf you were by my side và we stumbled in the darkI know we'd be alright, we would be alrightOh, I've sầu been shakingI love sầu it when you go crazyYou take all my inhibitionsBaby, there's nothing holdin' me backYou take me places that tear up my reputationManipulate my decisionsBaby, there's nothing holdin' me back (Oh whoa)There's nothing holdin' me backI feel so không lấy phí when you're with me, babyBaby, there's nothing holdin' me back

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