How to Format Lyrics:Type out all lyrics, even if it’s a chorus that’s repeated throughout the songThe Section Header button breaks up tuy nhiên sections. Highlight the text then click the linkUse Bold và Italics only to distinguish between different singers in the same verse.E.g. “Verse 1: Kanye West, Jay-Z, Both”Capitalize each lineTo move an annotation lớn different lyrics in the song, use the <...> menu lớn switch to lớn referent editing mode

Bạn đang đọc: Nơi này có anh sơn tùng m tp

Who are you, baby? Gently came with your innocenceWho are you, baby? lượt thích a sweet morning sunbeam lit up the dew'Cause my eyes adored you, so my heart got weakDeeply in love with you since that moment and make every second count!Days passing by, the dawn rises, wipes all the troubles awayDays passing by, I send my love and memories of you to lớn the blue skyGlancing at your beautiful eyes makes me shyWanna kiss you softly on your lips và hair, I dreamHold my hands, lean on my shoulderBy my side, I’m here for youThe wind is singing a melody of loveThousands of stars are flashing, hugging you softly(Love you, cherish you with all my heart)Hold my hands, lean on my shoulderBy my side, I'm here for youLet's close our eyes for a long whilePledging to lớn be together foreverIn a passionate love lượt thích the first daysSpring came serenely, bringing me dreamsSummer kept sweet & lovely rainy daysAutumn had falling golden leaves; winter has come…I miss youMy little love is just for you
There is the voice that still whispers into my ears day by dayThere are the bewildering eyes that I still miss day by dayLove you madly with my foolish heartWill never have khổng lồ wait for someone in the duskDrowning in poetryLooking at you foolishly & dreamingPlease don’t just walk awayDon't be cold, don't be indifferent to meLook at me babyPromise me, your smiles are only mineMy heart has simply spoken its loveHold my hands, lean on my shoulderBy my side, I'm here for youThe wind is singing a melody of loveThousands of stars are flashing, hugging you softly(Love you, cherish you with all my heart)Hold my hands, lean on my shoulderBy my side, I'm here for youLet's close our eyes for a long whilePledging to lớn be together foreverIn a passionate love like the first daysSpring came serenely, bringing me dreamsSummer kept sweet and lovely rainy daysAutumn had falling golden leaves; winter has come…I miss youMy little love is just for you
I miss youI miss you so muchBehind the horizonSomeone will cross the path khổng lồ walk with you on a long journeyHold my hands, lean on my shoulderBy my side, I'm here for youThe wind is singing a melody of loveThousands of stars are flashing, hugging you softly(Love you, cherish you with all my heart)Hold my hands, lean on my shoulderBy my side, I'm here for youLet’s close our eyes for a long whilePledging to lớn be together foreverIn a passionate love lượt thích the first daysSpring came serenely, bringing me dreamsSummer kept sweet và lovely rainy daysAutumn had falling golden leaves; winter has come…I miss youMy little love is just for you

Xem thêm: Thuốc Trị Nấm Trắng Cho Cá C Cảnh, Bệnh Cá Bị Nấm Trắng Và Cách Xử Lý Hồ Cá Bị Nấm

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Embed“Sơn Tùng M-TP - Nơi này có Anh (English Translation)” by dienlanhcaonguyen.com English Translations on dienlanhcaonguyen.com

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